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April 26, 2012

Book Twenty of My 2012 Goal

CarnivoreCarnivore by David J. Dundas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first thing that I noticed about "Carnivore" by David J. Dundas was it was the unusual way this story was told. Instead of reading about the events as they unfold, the real story is from the main character, Michael Scott's retelling what happened to him the previous few days to another person who he now finds himself stranded in a snowstorm with.

The story opens with Michael walking on the road and a vehicle driven by Oswald Peterson, an off-duty security officer swerve off the road to avoid hitting him wrecking his car. Oswald knows of a cabin nearby were the men can hold up during the snowstorm. As they grab some canned food to eat and settle in, naturally Oswald asks Michael why he was walking on the road and what happened to him.

Michael is an investigative reporter who was sent to Silvertown to do a story on some murders. He only makes it as far as town of Larit where he finds more than he bargained for. Between people missing, a dirty sheriff and a woman he fall for, the story is far from dull. As the name implies it is horror fiction about some 'knowing' and some 'unknowing' carnivores.

The characters were well developed and the story constantly moving forward. There were a few little things 'off' but I didn't think it took away from the story. After all, if I went through all that Michael Scott did, I may not be recalling my last few days crystal clear either. And now we understand what he was doing walking on the road.

I enjoyed this short story and recommend it to other horror fans but be warned it does contain adult language.

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